Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Well I've finally started learning a little bit of Korean.  My first lesson was from a friend at a coffee shop last week.  She was teaching me some phrases and I started asking questions about exactly what things meant and why they were said that way and it turned into a regular hour-long lesson.

Then on Monday, I started taking a daily Korean class as part of the program I'm in.  It's only for one week, for three hours each day, so they're cramming a lot in.  On the first day we learned to read and write Korean.  Yesterday we learned some basic phrases and a whole list of verbs and how to use them.  My hope is that by the end of the class I will have the tools necessary to continue learning on my own, perhaps with the help of a book.  And maybe by the time I leave in 8 months I'll be fluent.  Just kidding.  But language-learning is still a good experience, regardless of how far I go with it.

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